Scrum master or scrum monster
in the scrum textbooks, we have a lot of guidelines and constraints about how the team works and rules are applied but the concept of agile manifesto indeed presents a conflict to this concept.
the keyword here is "We are uncovering better ways of developing" so if a scrum master fails to learn that scrum deals with human beings and there is no concept that covers all of them. so, remember that scrum master is a facilitator, not an enforcer. if you insist on enforcing then you will turn into a scrum monster for the rest of the team.
I will cover this concept of mine in future posts in more depth.
For Daniel Lowman's Post

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It is a really great analogy. I haven't already heard this fun phrase "Scrum monster". However, I think this sentence should be adjusted. "if you insist on enforcing then you will turn into a scrum master for the rest of the team." I mean instead of Scrum Master, it should have been Scrum monster.